Yingke PE is happy to participate in your journey of entrepreneurship

Tips for elements of a business plan
Company profile
Milestones or chronicle of events in the development of the company
(So that we can have a preliminary understanding of the complete picture of the company). -
Market analysis
Market segmentation and market orientation, market pain points,
market size, growth rate, etc. -
Product services
Core technologies, product R&D strategies, etc.
Market strategies
The products' price strategy, channel strategy, market competition strategy, etc.
Competition analysis
Analysis of the industry, of the major competitors at home and abroad, of the company itself and competition strategies, etc.
Business model
Value proposition analysis (the use values that comes along, the key needs solved), industry value chain analysis (industry value chain analysis made according to the characteristics of the industry).
Submit business plan
Yingke Innovation Asset Management Co., Ltd. understands business plans as a trade secret and will strictly abide by confidentiality duty.